Timeline View Charts

For a Timeline view of your performance and progress over the past weeks


Last Update 7 maanden geleden

What is it for?

This Teamfluence feature allows to visualize performances and progress over a period of time. The charts allow you to see your progress over the past few weeks related to the following metrics:

- Followers

- Profile Visits

- Impressions

- Search Appearances

- Visibility Score

- Relevance Index

How does it work?

In the Team Metrics tab, you can click the Select button, chose the profile you want to analyze. Once the profile is select click on the chart icon.

And this will be you timeline view.

You can also see in a timeline view multiple team members and compare how are they performing and progressing over the time. 

The visual nature of timelines makes them incredibly useful to understand progress and to relate the cause and effect of certain LinkedIn activities on such metrics like Followers or Profile Visits.

Can be also very helpful to keep your team aligned on KPIs and progress.

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